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Thema: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

  1. #21
    Registriert seit
    Schäbige Alb

    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    Öff, genau da ist mein Problem. Gefühlte Zig Milliarden unterschiedliche Bezeichnungen.
    Auf den Bildern kann ich ansich nichtmal eine Beschriftung lesen, jedoch sieht der Hinterbacken schonmal sehr schwer nach einem Drehteller aus..
    Kann man (bis auf das nächste Drama mit den laut Mfd inkompatiblen Versionen mit verschiebbarem Vorderbacken..) ansatzweise davon ausgehen, dass zumindest die Drehteller-Hinterbacken das selbe Bohrmuster haben, gleich mit welchen Einstellwerten gesegnet?
    "Ich hab mir ein Hörgerät gekauft, das Kleinste das es gibt und genauso gut wie ein Großes."
    "Wie teuer war es?"
    "Gleich halb acht!"

  2. #22
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    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage


    In case in the page 2 of this thread you speak about Rossignol Race binings, I think I can help but don't know german

    Just let me know if you need me!


  3. #23
    Freeskier Avatar von blindside
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    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    its about if a rossignol race binding has the same drilling points as a look pivot /rossignol FKS. its an old binding from an race ski.
    i think at look bindings there was an change at around 2006 ? correct me if im wrong.
    and the question is , if its a fks/pivot , or an axial 1.
    think pictures would be helpful for this ....

    he wants to mount his rossignol race on an mfd alltime plate..... but he doesnt know if the holes are comparable. and we dont know at the moment if its a FKS pivot heel or the newer/(older) look axial 1

  4. #24
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    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    Zitat Zitat von blindside Beitrag anzeigen
    its about if a rossignol race binding has the same drilling points as a look pivot /rossignol FKS. its an old binding from an race ski.
    i think at look bindings there was an change at around 2006 ? correct me if im wrong.
    and the question is , if its a fks/pivot , or an axial 1.
    think pictures would be helpful for this ....

    he wants to mount his rossignol race on an mfd alltime plate..... but he doesnt know if the holes are comparable. and we dont know at the moment if its a FKS pivot heel or the newer/(older) look axial 1
    Yes, I suggested the same binding to you when I mentioned about quoka and on PM.

    The thing is that on some FKS 155, you have the word "race" on it, and many people confuse it, not knowing it is actually an FKS! So if this is the case, then the mounting holes are the same and the binding can be mounted on the MFD plate.

    OF COURSE, pictures would tell us the story so we don't give bad advices!!!

    If the bindings are actually something else than an FKS, (axial, etc), AGAIN pictures would help and some comparative measuring of the hole number and distances (i can measure my FKS 155 and provide the data if it is needed) would help.

    Hope this helps, let me know if I can help with the hole measuring.


    P.S. Thank you blindside for the translation, I owe you a coffee

  5. #25
    Freeskier Avatar von blindside
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    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    Zitat Zitat von vest.mar Beitrag anzeigen

    P.S. Thank you blindside for the translation, I owe you a coffee

    i think i take the binding for 66 euro

    im not sure but think hes talking about this one

    and no , that should not fit onto an mfd ...
    Geändert von blindside (29.01.2013 um 15:17 Uhr)

  6. #26
    Registriert seit
    Schäbige Alb

    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    Yes, it's like blindside wrote.
    But, to complete the chaos in my brain, not every Rossi Race binding seems to be a Rossi Race binding - some look like FKS, others like Axial1/2/whatever. Look's like they printed "race" on every single piece of BS they want to sale..
    And, to complete my "luck", i could garantee for that a binding i'll purchase would not fit.
    Tried often, failed often.


    Meh, you'r too fast for me. It's not the binding on ebay. Found one on Quoka. In the meantime campagnard explained to me that it's an FKS. For now, i need "pressed thumbs" the binding is still available...
    Geändert von Ratuffa (29.01.2013 um 15:22 Uhr)
    "Ich hab mir ein Hörgerät gekauft, das Kleinste das es gibt und genauso gut wie ein Großes."
    "Wie teuer war es?"
    "Gleich halb acht!"

  7. #27
    Registriert seit
    Schäbige Alb

    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    Sorry for doubleposting (and the novel below..), BUT:
    Luck favors the dumb

    Or, the long story version, why driving 66km per way without knowing details about a binding can be successfull.

    From late afternoon till about 20:30, communication with the seller was.. just frustrating. Did i mention i hate cell phones?
    No signal, low battery, etc. All i could identify in the resound of the phone (did i mention i hate cell phones?) was that the ski was still available, the seller would be at home tonight and his address - last part only distorted.

    Been divorced, i have time. Much time. So the next step was driving through hard rain in a very windy night, to a town 66km away to an address i did not hear completely.

    70 minutes later (forgot to mention 10 extra minutes outside the sellers house because of bad communication- did i mention i hate cell phones? ) , the binding was found out as an FKS 155 in good condition, mounted on a 155cm FIS-approved Rossignol 9S in halfway useable condition, now in my possession for a good price.

    Mission FKS: Accomplished
    Geändert von Ratuffa (29.01.2013 um 22:23 Uhr)
    "Ich hab mir ein Hörgerät gekauft, das Kleinste das es gibt und genauso gut wie ein Großes."
    "Wie teuer war es?"
    "Gleich halb acht!"

  8. #28
    Registriert seit

    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    GREAT story Ratuffa

    Sorry about bad conections (cellphones and the rest...), but it is nice to hear you GOT the FKS in the end, it is WORTH the fight!

    Were they cheaper than mine? (here)

    Can you post some pictures with the bindings, just to make as envy you a bit

    Good pow!
    Zitat Zitat von Ratuffa Beitrag anzeigen
    Sorry for doubleposting (and the novel below..), BUT:
    Luck favors the dumb

    Or, the long story version, why driving 66km per way without knowing details about a binding can be successfull.

    From late afternoon till about 20:30, communication with the seller was.. just frustrating. Did i mention i hate cell phones?
    No signal, low battery, etc. All i could identify in the resound of the phone (did i mention i hate cell phones?) was that the ski was still available, the seller would be at home tonight and his address - last part only distorted.

    Been divorced, i have time. Much time. So the next step was driving through hard rain in a very windy night, to a town 66km away to an address i did not hear completely.

    70 minutes later (forgot to mention 10 extra minutes outside the sellers house because of bad communication- did i mention i hate cell phones? ) , the binding was found out as an FKS 155 in good condition, mounted on a 155cm FIS-approved Rossignol 9S in halfway useable condition, now in my possession for a good price.

    Mission FKS: Accomplished

  9. #29
    Registriert seit
    Schäbige Alb

    Standard AW: Rossignol FKS 155 Bindungsplatte racecarver Hilfe frage bzgl montage

    Cheaper? Hm, not exactly. I spent less money than you, but the skis mounted to my bindings are better trash.
    They looked good in the night, but the day after i could see some major damages.
    Partially delaminated topsheet, a small, but long gap between sidewall and edges, and the skis have lost much tension.

    In addition to the shortcomings i "ignored" because i wanted the bindings (rusty edges, small coreshots etc.), you definitly made the better deal.

    Pictures will be delivered this evening.
    "Ich hab mir ein Hörgerät gekauft, das Kleinste das es gibt und genauso gut wie ein Großes."
    "Wie teuer war es?"
    "Gleich halb acht!"

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