Und wieder was neues von Nimbus.
En Route Sled BC
Und wieder was neues von Nimbus.
En Route Sled BC
Que Sera Sera
"Que Sera, Sera" is a brand new movie project from Michael Calka supported by APO-SNOW (apo-snow.pl) in association with Modest South Wear (facebook.com/modestsouthwear).
Winter 2011/2012 started really late. Finishing last movie project perspectives were dark. Winter kicking it really fashionable late plus struggling to gather resources for a present movie project we were forced to postponed our travel plans. Approached by APO-SNOW (apo-snow.pl) in mid January future started looking bright. Assembling fresh crew under the supervision by Tomek Konopka we were set to face winter season with huge smile and energy (vimeo.com/aposnowcollective). Finally karma has changed !
New Kids On the Block are ready and hungry to serve you to best entertainment that we have delivered yet. Blood, sweat and tears accompanied with memorable soundtrack by Summer Camp, Diplo, Grimes and one and only Wu Tang Clan showcase you our trips around the Europe and to New Zealand.
Watch returning this year stronger then ever from original Folklor Crew - Bartek Sibiga to "Que Sera, Sera" squad which features as well talents of Wladek Donimirski, Marek Skala, Jan Winiarski, Pepe Kalensky, Richard Skala, Mateusz Augustyn and friends. Watch as crew evolves throwing new doubles, stylish trick and more. This is just the beginning of the change. Eastern Slavic collective is on the run. After this only the future will tell us what will be, will be...
Filmed, directed and edited by:
Michael Calka / MODEST SOUTH
Die Freerider und Tourengänger bekommen auch mal was zu sehen hier.
Steelhead and Spines- The Provo Bros
Our addiction to mountains and rivers has always had us looking north to Alaska, where big fish and mountains existed on a level we had only experienced in our dreams. As the winter of 2012 continued to disappoint in the lower 48, it was obvious that Alaska was being buried in snow. It seemed like the time was right, that maybe after 10 years of "practice" in Utah, we were ready for our journey north. We hit the road in March, putting everything we had into our first and for all we knew, our last adventure to Alaska, with two things on our mind, steelhead and spines.
We joined forces with three of our friends from Utah, for a ski-plane assisted camping expedition in the heart of south eastern Alaska's backcountry. Over 50 miles by wing from the nearest road, our pilot dropped the 5 of us off on a big lonely glacier encircled by jagged mountains, and in the spirit of adventure, wished us good luck. We would need it. From that point on, the feeling of being completely alone in a wild and unknown land for the first time in our lives penetrated every cell in our bodies. Only one person in our group had ever been to Alaska, Chris Coulter. On day 8 when he suddenly left to work in Haines as a heli guide, the feeling of isolation crept deeper into our minds, and it had never felt so good.
We chose to do this trip without any guides, plans, itineraries, or rules simply because we wanted to have our own experience. We wanted it to be raw, unknown, and we wanted it to be an adventure. Of course the style we chose made things much more difficult for us than they could have been, but the feeling of accomplishment was immense. We found glorious spines to ride, and stumbled upon one of the best runs of wild Steelhead in the world. Returning home safely from our first journey to Alaska signified a successful mission, along with the wonderful new memories from the greatest riding and fishing experiences of our lives.
" Ich habe in meinem Leben viel Geld für Weiber, schnelle Autos und Alkohol ausgegeben. Den Rest habe ich sinnlos verprasst!" George Best
super Sache![]()
WASA - What About South America
A short film about skiing and lifestyle in South America with Mike Grzetic, Joel Albaladejo, Manu Fombeurre, Fabian Lombaert, Fer Pomar, Tatu Martin and friends.
Locations : Bariloche, Ushuaia, Villa la Angostura, San Martin de los Andes, Perito Moreno, Calafate, Peninsula Valdes, Valle Encantado, Park MSA (Quebec)
Alles mit dabei von surfen bis skifahren, schönes Ding insgesamt
Reel Life
4REEL proudly presents "Reel Life" A Lifestyle video about a group of friends doing what they love, no money in their pockets only the passion of the sport to drive them further than they have ever gone before.
Colin Spencer
Nick Larson
Jacob Carey
Maks Gorham
Will Berman
Brock Paddock
Pat Goodnough
Charlie Hoch
Ryan Cruze
Paul Pierce
Brady Farr
Ryan Stephens
Bobby Brown
Aiden Sheehan
Skiing is like DYNAMITE and so was our season 2011/12!
directed and edited by Marinus Höflinger
produced by Marinus & Bene Höflinger
DYNAMITE a movie simply from riders for riders - showing you what we love to do!
Getting creative on urbanstuff, sniffling powder in the Alps and British Columbia or simply catch some air on big booters. No professional cinematographers nor editors, just a bunch of friends, that's the way we get things done.
Felix.Althammer Ambros.Fürstaller Basti.Färber Daniel.Gassner Flo.Geyer Flo.Göller Severin.Guggemoos Dominik.Hartmann Benedikt.Höflinger Marinus.Höflinger Christian.Jenny Jürgen.Nigg Markus.Obwaller Tom.Ritsch Pius.Schneider Thomas.Trifonitchev And.Friends
Endlich ist es soweit! Nach einer fulminanten Weltpremiere im Kurfilmtheater Oberstdorf könnt ihr den neuen, arschgeilen HZU-Streifen „HiWieGehts?“ jetzt online sehen und genießen. Die Jungs haben mal wieder keine Kosten und Mühen gescheut um ihrem Publikum ein wahres Meisterwerk von einem Skierfilm zu präsentieren. Und Snowboarden. Viel Spaß und gute Unterhaltung bei diesem atemberaubenden Stück Sportgeschichte. Film ab!
Salomon Freeski TV - Tempting Fear
Over the past 3 years he's logged first descents in a half-dozen countries, battled back to life from an accident that nearly killed him, and become the most talked about skier in the epicenter of all things extreme -- Chamonix, France.
What makes Andreas most intriguing, however, are his thoughtful musings on meaning from a life on the edge - a willingness to enter mental spaces that few have ever experienced.
In Tempting Fear Sweden's soft-spoken Adventurer of the Year explores a place in which fear overwhelms all emotions, playing both friend and enemy in a pas de deux where death lies just one misstep away.
Days To Come
Vital Films is Proud to Present "Days to Come" a Groundbreaking Ski Industry Film, Starring hometown hero and four time X Games medalist, Torin Yater- Wallace.
This six minute film featuring Cineflex and Phantom footage was exclusively Shot in Aspen/Snowmass and features Torin Yater-Wallace, Gus Kenworthey, Aidan Sheahan, and Jacob Wester.
Days To Come mixes stunning imagery of Aspen Colorado with the amazing talents of four athletes in the various award-winning parks at Aspen/Snowmass including the 22-foot Olympic-sized X Games Aspen superpipe.
Music By : Blackmill - "Miracle"
Hier ein 16mm Klassiker von Eric Iberg aus dem Jahre 2001.
" Ich habe in meinem Leben viel Geld für Weiber, schnelle Autos und Alkohol ausgegeben. Den Rest habe ich sinnlos verprasst!" George Best
Schifahren kommt in dem Video bissl zu kurz find ich ,aaaaber wie es gefilmt wurde ist saugenial.
waschechter Tiroler Bergbua
Sehr geiler Film, ich gebe zu, sowas gefällt mir fast besser als die ewigen powderruns in AK und Hokkaido und BC mit Heli...die alle irgendwie immer gleich aussehen...
Hier noch was ähnliches:
" Ich habe in meinem Leben viel Geld für Weiber, schnelle Autos und Alkohol ausgegeben. Den Rest habe ich sinnlos verprasst!" George Best
" Ich habe in meinem Leben viel Geld für Weiber, schnelle Autos und Alkohol ausgegeben. Den Rest habe ich sinnlos verprasst!" George Best