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Thema: Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

  1. #1
    Freeskier Avatar von AndreasCH
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    Standard Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

    Von der HP

    April 7, 2006

    Contact: Rusty Gregory, Mammoth Mountain Ski Area CEO 760.934.0645

    Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, CA -- At approximately 11:29am yesterday, Thursday, April 6, 2006, four experienced Mammoth Mountain Ski Patrollers were inspecting the mountain after recent heavy snowstorms. The patrollers were fencing off a natural hazard, a deep gas vent, on Christmas Bowl run, east of Chair 3 when the snow around the vent collapsed. Two patrollers, John McAndrews and James Juarez, fell into the approximately 6-ft hole, down 21 feet of snow to the earth. Two patrollers attempting to help, Walter Rosenthal and Jeff Bridges, descended into the hole. Members of Mammoth Mountain Ski Patrol working nearby quickly initiated additional rescue efforts and were assisted by the Mammoth Lakes Fire Department and Mono County Paramedics. The victims were immediately transported to Mammoth Hospital. Mammoth Mountain Ski Patroller Jeff Bridges survived and Rosenthal, McAndrews and Juarez perished as a result of the accident.

    Additional employees who assisted in the rescue were transported to Mammoth Hospital for observation. A total of seven were admitted and six were kept overnight including Bridges. All are expected to be released by mid-morning today.

    The cause of death has not yet been determined by the Mono County Sheriff's Department but is possibly due to oxygen deprivation and/or being overcome by toxic gasses. The information will be released pending autopsies and toxicological results.


    James Juarez, 35, a five-year veteran of Mammoth Mountain Ski Patrol originally from Granada Hills, California.

    John "Scott" McAndrews, 37, a Mammoth Mountain Ski Patroller for one year from Bishop, California.

    Charles Walter Rosenthal, 58, of Sunny Slopes, California a veteran of Mammoth Mountain Ski Patrol since 1972.

    Mammoth Mountain Ski Area has established memorial funds for the three Ski Patrollers who died on April 6, 2006. Three individual funds have been established at Union Bank of Mammoth Lakes in each persons name; The Scott McAndrews Fund, The Walter Rosenthal Fund, and The James Juarez Fund.

    If you wish to donate to any of the funds, you may send a check addressed to the fund of your choice to Mammoth Mountain Ski Patrol, Director, Bobby Hoyt, PO Box 24, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546. Contributions may also be delivered directly to Union Bank, or mailed to Union Bank, PO Box 2729, Mammoth Lakes, California 93546.
    Mir scheint die Sonne aus den Arsch

  2. #2
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    Standard Re: Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

    ich versteh nicht so ganz was ein "deep gas vent" ist.
    ist eigentlich auch nich so wichtig, mein beileid geht an die hinterbliebenen in mamoth

  3. #3
    Registriert seit

    Standard Re: Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

    ich glaub das sind minen- oder tunnelbelüftungs-schächte. am arlberg gibts die auch, wenn man da ein bischen offpiste fährt, stolpert man früher oder später über so ein ding. dort sind das allerdings riiiiesen beton-ungetüme für die arlbergtunnel-belüftung, sehen irgendwie total geil aus. dort kann man auch nicht reinfallen...

  4. #4
    Freeskier Avatar von manuel87
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    Standard Re: Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

    nee das sind stellen an denen schwefel usw austritt mammoth is doch teil eines vulkangebiets
    "aba henrik harlaut hat scho richtig fett styl find ich aba trag die hosen meistens auch lieber tiefer als andere aba wenn sie so tief sitzt dann mussma auch erstma so geil fahren könn." - flopperich

  5. #5
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    Standard Re: Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

    Klingt nach CO2 Vergiftung

  6. #6

    Standard Re: Tragisches Unglück in Mammoth

    vulkanische fumerolen.
    dort tritt vulkanisches gas aus.
    fiese sache das. dabei gibt es doch schon genug gefahren beim skifahren.....
    It's a war of the mind and we're armed to the teeth.

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